Cemar Marble

Contact information

+90 236 234 10 34
Hamidiye Mah. Hamidiye Sok. No: 122 Kula Manisa

A special gift from Cemar to the famous artist Yıldızdoğan

Yusuf Yalçın, General Manager of Cemar Marble and Travertine, which exports from Kula to the world, presented a photo printed marble to the famous artist Mustafa Yıldızdoğan, who performed at the Beşibiryerde Tourism and Art Festival organized by Kula Municipality for the 3rd time this year.

Famous artist Mustafa Yıldızdoğan took the stage at the first concert of the Beşibiryerde Tourism and Art Festival, organized by Kula Municipality for the 3rd time this year. Artist Yıldızdoğan, who gave his fans an unforgettable night with the nationalist songs he sang for about 2 hours, did not remain silent for a moment during the concert.

Yusuf Yalçın, General Manager of Cemar Mermer and Travertine, took the stage of the famous artist Mustafa Yıldızdoğan during the concert and presented him with a carefully prepared marble with the artist Yıldızdoğan's photo printed on it, extracted from the quarry of the company from which they export to the world from Kula.

Famous artist Mustafa Yıldızdoğan, who stated that he liked General Manager Yalçın's kind gift very much and that he often heard the name of Cemar Mermer, which has the largest reserve in Turkey, thanked General Manager Yalçın.

Yusuf Yalçın, General Manager of Cemar Marble and Travertine, thanked the famous artist Mustafa Yıldızdoğan for accepting his gift and wished him success.